Friday, September 17, 2010

Burrito challenge

We had an eventful/hilarious evening last night after work. Casey and a few of his co-workers had eaten at Cantina Taqueria in Buckhead a few times for lunch, and decided that they wanted to challenge one another to a burrito eating contest. Men. They offer a 5 lb burrito challenge; anyone who can finish in 1 hour gets their meal for free ($30), a t-shirt, and your picture on the wall. All of these sound worth the pain and suffering (and stupidity) right? I say no, but guys will be guys.

His competitors were intimidated at first as Casey brought clothes to change into instead of wearing his suit; he was serious about this. He ended up not finishing his burrito but I was happy to come by to cheer on my man. I have to say, I was actually happy that he DIDN'T finish it because it could have made for one miserable night in the Jones household. Four men competed; one lived to proclaim victory. Richard finished his burrito with 15 minutes to spare! I still can't figure out where all the food went; he was like a machine. I called today to see how the guys were holding up at the office; not too good as you can imagine. Regardless, it was a fun evening well spent with friends!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Decorative items for nursery

I originally had picked out my dream nursery inspiration from a designer's website (pics shown above; no we're not naming our daughter Mia). I even purchased the paint color and sampled it on the wall, only to hear from Casey that if we painted her room that color, he would likely never go in there. Well, we all know we're going to NEED him to go into the nursery so I opted against "Grape Harvest" for the sake of my husbands sanity.

I've decided at this point that I'm going to leave the walls the current color, and just decorate the room with feminine accents and wonderful fabrics. Who says I need to paint it pink to make it a girls room right? So, I have been accumulating feminine pieces to adorn my baby girls room. Pics are of a gorgeous chandelier I found at Scott Antique Market, a rug I found at Urban Cottage in Virginia Highlands, and a super cute mirror I found from Dignified Rubbish on Etsy.

For fabrics, I have decided upon a few from Amy Butler's Love collection. I am very excited to see the nursery come together! I'll post pics once it's finished!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Twins for Monica!!

My friend Monica had her baby shower this past weekend; she is expecting twins (boy and girl)!!! I just realized as I was uploading these pics that I look huge (in a good way as I'm happy baby girl jones is growing). Tomorrow I'll be 28 weeks :) My other friends shown are Staci and Liz.