Friday, September 17, 2010

Burrito challenge

We had an eventful/hilarious evening last night after work. Casey and a few of his co-workers had eaten at Cantina Taqueria in Buckhead a few times for lunch, and decided that they wanted to challenge one another to a burrito eating contest. Men. They offer a 5 lb burrito challenge; anyone who can finish in 1 hour gets their meal for free ($30), a t-shirt, and your picture on the wall. All of these sound worth the pain and suffering (and stupidity) right? I say no, but guys will be guys.

His competitors were intimidated at first as Casey brought clothes to change into instead of wearing his suit; he was serious about this. He ended up not finishing his burrito but I was happy to come by to cheer on my man. I have to say, I was actually happy that he DIDN'T finish it because it could have made for one miserable night in the Jones household. Four men competed; one lived to proclaim victory. Richard finished his burrito with 15 minutes to spare! I still can't figure out where all the food went; he was like a machine. I called today to see how the guys were holding up at the office; not too good as you can imagine. Regardless, it was a fun evening well spent with friends!


  1. You have to be kidding me. That thing is HUGE! Good think Matt doesn't live in town b/c he would have certainly been involved.

  2. I was so proud! And slightly disturbed.
